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The Insurance Audit

An Initial Independent review of your personal & business portfolio completely free of charge

This will be conducted by one of the directors of Gent & Craig Insurances Ltd.

Good practice would indicate that an Independent review of an Insurance portfolio should take place every 3 years, and with Gent & Craig Insurances Ltd a review need not be onerous, time consuming or expensive.

Listed below are just some of the components

  • Discuss with you 'Statutory' Insurance Requirements
  • Comment on current premium spend & identify possible savings
  • Overview the consequences of Equipment or Computer failure
  • Review of liabilities incurred by your activities - Professional Indemnity, Directors Insurance, Employers Liability, Public Liability, etc
  • Assess the threat to your 'bottom line' through potential los of income, Uninsured loss or inadequate protection & discuss alternative ways of ensuring cover.
  • Review inflation protection options
  • Consider threats to the income stream from fraud, data protection lapses etc


For Your Consideration - Prior to the Review

  • When did you last undertake an independent review of your portfolio?
  • You are probably aware of the dangers of under-insurance, but when were your sums insured last reviewed?
  • Have you calculated your 'business interruption sum insured' correctly. You should be aware that wages and salaries should be included to fully protect your business in the event of a loss.
  • Has your business changed? Even subtly? Moved away from the NHS? Are your policies still protecting you properly?
  • Are you aware if you are a director of a limited company you may be held personally liable for your actions and potential claims from third parties?


Types of Insurance

  • Commercial Risk - All Risk damages to buildings, contents and stock
  • Computers - All risks damage including data & business interruption
  • Fixtures/Fittings & Tenants Improvements - Your lease will usually oblige you to insure
  • Household - All risks damage to your home
  • Car - Private/Fleet - All aspects
  • Travel - Tailored cover to reflect the individual and or family needs
  • Employers Liability - Protection for employers against bodily injury sustained by employees
  • Public Liability